söndag 17 mars 2013

Love, love, love- Super(front)love!

I must show you this new company, SUPERFRONT, selling fronts, handles and legs for IKEA furnitures. It was love at first sight I can really say! The legs: WOW, the handles: WOW and the fronts: SUPERWOW. All the parts is simple but beautiful, exactly my style. I had already planned a visit to IKEA next week, buying BESTÅ furniture for my shop, and the thought was to buy simple plan white fronts from IKEAs own sortiment. But now I have certainly changed my mind, the harlequin fronts talked to my heart directly ;) So them it must be!

2 kommentarer:

  1. De er kjempefine!!
    Jeg har sett på de flere ganger.
    Nå kom jeg plutselig på at ved å ta en kjedelig
    gammel hvit kommode og tusje kule streker på den, så hadde den jo blitt superkul. Eller hva?

    Fin søndag!
