Here is the reality. Most of the time it is even worse. But hey, a room is for playing!
If you zoom in, the still life looks pretty good, don`t you think? :)
Men ofta ser jag alla dessa fina, inspirerande bilder på fina barnrum. Inte en enda ful pryl så långt ögat kan nå, inte ett enda gräsligt Nalle puh gosedjur som skymtar, inga plastiga leksakspistoler, inga Pet shop hus i grilliga färger, inga teckningar fastklistrade på garderoberna eller klistermärken på dörrarna, utan allt är som ett enda stort barndesignshowroom. Snygga prylar överallt, matchade, eller perfekt missmatchade i små grupper. Rum som verkligen är superfina, men ändå får mig att undra, var håller alla dessa fulprylar hus? Är de väl dolda i någon gummikorg, är de bortplockade för bildens skull, eller är de helt enkelt så att dessa barn har den goda smaken att välja bort alla fulsaker till förmån för virkade kaniner och träleksaker?
My kids has a lot of toys. Not in overflow, but still a lot of stuff, stuff that are plastic, ugly and maybe sometimes rubishy (but that my kids likes a lot). And you try to keep it organized, buying small boxes to store them, but it always end with a big mess anyway. Sometimes I try to assort their toys in still life on their shelves, but it will in a few minutes be but a memory, so I have gave it up.
But often I see those very inspiring pictures of childrens room. Not an ugly toy as far your eyes can see, not any Nalle puh teddy that glimmer, no Pet shop houses in shrill colors. Instead goodlooking stuff, organized to perfection everywhere. Rooms that really please my eye, but still make me wonder, where are all the ugly things? Are they hidden in boxes, or picked away for the picture, or is it simply that way that the children prefer knitted rabbits and metalrobots before uglytoys?
My kids has a lot of toys. Not in overflow, but still a lot of stuff, stuff that are plastic, ugly and maybe sometimes rubishy (but that my kids likes a lot). And you try to keep it organized, buying small boxes to store them, but it always end with a big mess anyway. Sometimes I try to assort their toys in still life on their shelves, but it will in a few minutes be but a memory, so I have gave it up.
But often I see those very inspiring pictures of childrens room. Not an ugly toy as far your eyes can see, not any Nalle puh teddy that glimmer, no Pet shop houses in shrill colors. Instead goodlooking stuff, organized to perfection everywhere. Rooms that really please my eye, but still make me wonder, where are all the ugly things? Are they hidden in boxes, or picked away for the picture, or is it simply that way that the children prefer knitted rabbits and metalrobots before uglytoys?
I think there kids who would love to play with those ugly disney things but they have mean mamas who don't allow it. :D just kidding! But seriously, i've had same questions. Maybe all the ugliness is in closets and boxes.
SvaraRaderaHear hear! Jag tror alla plockar bort allt inför all styling och fotografering. Tänk om en Donken-leksak skulle synas, hua! Det har ju blivit så hypat med barnrum nu så att man nästan känner att måste skämmas eller förklara barnens fula leksaker. Hoppas på att fler kan posta lite bilder på verkligheten, även i andra rum.